Current federal housing policy prohibits renters in apartment buildings financed by Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) – Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac – from occasionally hosting their units as short-term rentals, even when subject to a building’s hosting rules like night caps and quiet hours, unless the building owner specifically requests an exemption. Renters in apartment buildings backed by non-GSE lenders do not face this same restriction.
Updating this policy would give all renters who live in GSE-backed buildings – which represent roughly 40 percent of the multifamily market (source: Federal Reserve Board, March 2022.), including many that house lower and middle-income renters – the same rights as higher-income renters who live in luxury, non-GSE-financed buildings.
We are asking Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to remove these default restrictions and allow all renters who are willing to comply with strict guardrails to participate in and benefit from short-term rental programs.
Expanding the ability of individuals in GSE-financed buildings to occasionally rent out their units through programs like Airbnb-friendly apartments would: